Friday, October 18, 2013

Devonshire Mall VS. High End Boutiques

Our home town Windsor, ON is known for its back to back OHL  Memorial Cup Champions, the Windsor Spitfires and also for its automotive industries. But have you ever heard an "out-of-towner" say "hey, I really want to go shopping at Devonshire Mall?". To be honest, none of my friends or I have been pleased with our selection of fashion in this city. But could Windsor ever afford to bring in anything more than the "no-name brands" stores like Urban Planet, Sirens and Aeropostale?
Devonshire Mall, Windsor
I think a lot of us could agree that it doesn't matter what season you go shopping for, Devonshire Mall always has the same style of sweaters, shoes, jeans and dresses.Most of the time I have come out from a 3 hour shopping  hunt bare handed. The only exposure we have to high end fashion boutiques is if we go shopping in Detroit, Michigan, USA. That is one of the advantages to being a border city! Wouldn't it be nice if you had designer stores like Chanel, in your own backyard?

Chanel Boutique, France
Why don't we have these luxuries you may ask ? It seems to always come down to the one and only cause of not having enough market sales for these companies to invest in , in the city of Windsor. Those market sales come from us , the citizens in the city which as we can say is more of an average class lifestyle, than upper class. These companies aim to catch the eye of the higher class more than anything else. When you buy these brand name clothing, you are buying for the name not the quality or style of the accessory, which in some cities like Windsor could turn the average citizen to buy less expensive brands.
Another fact is that the unemployment rate in Windsor is at a 9.2% as of June 2013. In other words, we could have all these luxury boutiques but most of the population would not be able to afford it.

Higher brand names tend to also strike in bigger and known cities in the world to better promote their company. In a town of just around 217,000 citizens, people say there is no demand to bring in these stores.
Not having this fashion right at our finger tips, is  what makes these brands so exclusive in our community and maybe it is just another market strategy towards buyers to always have the want of something they can't have?

Stay tuned for my next blog which goes deep neath the sparkle and ruffles of Chanel....



  1. This was a very interesting post! I've always wondered why we don't have name brands in Windsor.. I think it would be very cool to be able to do all of my shopping here, instead of going to Detroit to buy all of my clothing, but as you said, in our economy, Windsor can't afford it :(. I look forward to reading your next post!

  2. I completely agree with you Jillian. Devonshire Mall compared to basically any mall in the states is no where near the same! Not to mention, most of the stores in Devonshire Mall sell the exact same clothing... Its very unfortunate that we don't have popular designer stores near us. Hopefully, maybe one day we will!

  3. I agree 100% with the fact that Devonshire Mall has close to nothing new. It is almost as if the same clothes filter through all of the store... However, there are some good things we can find there. I personally believe it is an interesting strategy that we do not have any big brand names, because like you said, it DOES make us want it more. It also makes our shopping trips to the states that much more exciting. Thank goodness for Sommerset Mall!
