Saturday, October 12, 2013

Is the Luxurious Label of Chanel Worth All the Hype?

First Chanel Boutique Opened In France
As you know the human population is always thriving for bigger and better! Even if they have everything in the world, they still think about the things they don't have. Well who could blame the human brain? If you had the choice to shop at Tiffany & Co. for a perfect pearl necklace rather then buying a 14.99$ Walmart brand one, who wouldn't hop in their cars to Tiffany's? I have to say I have no problem buying expensive accessories and clothes but sometimes I step back and wonder are all these brand name clothing worth spending hundreds of dollars on ?

A common question shoppers may ask themselves what differs the price of the same looking sweater at Walmart than at a high end brand name store like Chanel? Well to be honest, there are a lot of differences in the history of each sweater. For example, lets say the sweater from Chanel is 300$ and you gasp at the price. Take a step back and think about all the designs, real genuine materials and the fashion icon brains that it took to make this perfect high quality sweater. Buying from a high end clothing store guarantees a good quality piece of art!

A study on stated that Chanel was the 2nd Best Luxury Clothing Brands in the world behind the famous designer Louise Vuitton*. As we all know you don't need to be an expert at fashion to know that you probably can not buy a shirt or handbag in a Chanel store for less then 100$. Considering those high price tag,s according to Forbes List the brand has a revenue of $4.2 B and has a value of $6.2 B**, with these numbers it is hard to see that there is any problem with sales. But the main concern is that, is it too expensive for the average citizens to experience the same treatment as the higher classes in cities and countries? Could stores like Chanel be a cause of the separation of classes in society? Some people say yes but others say that is just the uniqueness and exclusive trend of Chanel. Out of the 310 boutiques worldwide, the 5 top best Chanel countries are France, Tokyo, Australia, Turkey and London***.

My question is that could the city of Windsor every uphold such a fashion icon in our community ?  



  1. Hello,

    First I'm going to answer your question to my opinion. Sorry but my answer would be no because there is not that many stores of Channel in Windsor and even if there were a lot of stores there is not many people in Windsor that could make it one of the top designer companies most bought in the world, but maybe one day it could happened and I would be proven wrong. .
    Also In my opinion people are crazy for spending a lot of money on clothes that are hundred of dollars each even tho they are good quality but like I said that is only my opinion

  2. I've never owned any channel products because to be honest I've never really seen very much of it. But there are other name brands that are similar to it in the sense that they're stuff is expensive but is of great quality! My dad always asks me why I can't just buy yoga pants from Walmart instead of Lululemon but he'll never understand the difference in quality!

  3. It's really a tough question. Should you pay hundreds of dollars for quality and art clothing, or get the the cheap twenty dollar knockoffs? I don't know. What makes the name brand so much more valuable?

    Great blog. Make sure to reread it to catch simple spelling mistakes. (ex. every vs ever.)
